Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Plain Matatu

One day I was leading a normal, hurried life of the middle class. Enjoying the little good things in life; like a pimped matatu to carry me home .The next, I wake up and the color has gone out of everything. I saw dark blues, earth browns and navy.

Earlier on, as I waited for my favorite matatu to come in the morning, I’d keep myself busy reading and admiring the art that was the matatus:firi,juju,soledad.

T he work of creative minds, with their mobile canvas that is the matatu’s exterior. It took my mind off the troubles that a middle class human citizen faces, both real and imagined.

Well, it is a well known truth that the only triple colored means of public transport is the 2M,City Hopper,Eldoret Express and others. Matatus cannot be buses. Matatus are not just what takes you there.

It’s the experience. The joy of traveling in a matatu is to reach your destination feeling –like another girl-or boy, or person-To quote the words of a popular musician, who’s name and picture and lyrics we all knew from the matatus.

“They look like gates.” My friend told me the other day, clicked and headed off to the railway station to squeeze in the train.

‘How can you get into a matatu who’s name you donno?’Is many people’s worry.

The middle class don’t have much in terms of choice. In the market, the buy what is displayed. They do whichever jobs comes by, and they eat whatever bread the kiosk owner stocks .
Being able to choose the matatu you want to travel in was the least choice one had.
Now, you get into whatever stops at the stage.It is like getting into a hearse. Like those buses that transport those who break the law.
The worry is that soon we might get used to these. The insipidness of it all may start to seem like the normal. Our visions will even start fading into soft pinks ,light greens and creams. Then even our dreams at night will be in black and white. A colorless sort of life, which will drain even our strength ,if the person who suggested that matatus be of single color doesn’t please rethink the idea.



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